Archive: SectionSetFlags doesn't set the correct InstType mode

SectionSetFlags doesn't set the correct InstType mode
If I call SectionSetFlags to select/deselect items from the MUI_CUSTOMFUNCTION_COMPONENTS_LEAVE function and then call Abort to stay at the components page, it'll set the correct selection, but won't set the correct install-type from the combo-box according to the new selection! Seems to be a bug...

Does it change the install type in the combo-box to something wrong or just doesn't change it?

It just doesn't change the item in the combo-box!

OK. Will be fixed.

In .onInit I read from registry installed sections & SectionSetFlags sets component page contents.
But combo-box shows always the first install type ("Full" for example) even if selected components are for "Custom" type or other.

Use SetCurInstType <insttype number> for now.

On initalization I check if my software installed or not. If not - I use SetCurInstType 0 ("Full"). If yes - use script written by THRaSH from,64 to implement Add/Remove functionality in the installer. But now even if selected components are for "Custom" type, combo-box shows "Full".
Users can choose 5 from 10 components (for example) which do not approach under one of InstallTypes. What I shall have to do?

If the first install type is "Full", you got what you asked for.

If you want to choose the "Custom" install type, use:


Installer does not know what InstallType the user has chosen during the previous installation. It can read only structure of components.
Probably I cannot explain on Eglish.

For that you can use GetCurInstType.

OK. I use GetCurInstType. Result is stored in variable. What can I do whith variable? Write it in registry; on initalization read it and SetCurInstType <variable>. But in this case it is manual work.
I thought that the NSIS itself can define IstallType on the chosen components. In fact when I on components page choose elements - IstallType define automatically. For this purpose I should define only what element where enters using SectionIn.

It should figure out which install type to choose according to the selected components, but currently it doesn't. It will be fixed. For now, you should use GetCurInstType and SetCurInstType.

The original issue is fixed in the latest CVS version.

The original issue is fixed in the latest CVS version.
There is no need to use GetCurInstType and SetCurInstType for refresh InstallType?

No, it should no longer be needed to call GetCurInstType and SetCurInstType.

:) Cool!
When will the release be ready?

Next month. You can download it from CVS, compile and test. If you don't want to mess with CVS, there's a snapshot which updates every couple of hours. It doesn't contain updated compiled binaries, just the new source code.

I got a question about CVS wut it does??

Glory_man if you set flags on Component Leave, wut would happened when you click back like Start menu back Directory Page to Component page .....

I set flags on first .OnInit.... i have to write regDWORD
into Regsitry... look like this

Section Section1
WriteRegDWORD "REG_KEY" "section1" 1
WriteRegDWORD "REG_KEY" "section2" 0
WriteRegDWORD "REG_KEY" "section3" 0

Section Section2
WriteRegDWORD "REG_KEY" "section2" 1

Section Section3
WriteRegDWORD "REG_KEY" "section3" 1

Function .Oninit
ReadRegStr $0 "REG_KEY" "section1"
SectionSetFlags ${section1} $0
ReadRegStr $0 "REG_KEY" "section2"
SectionSetFlags ${section1} $0
ReadRegStr $0 "REG_KEY" "section3"
SectionSetFlags ${section1} $0

That work i think

if you set flags on Component Leave
If you look at THraSH's exapmle you will see that sections flags are set in .onInit-function -
!insertmacro SectionList "InitSection"
After components choosing and istallation (in -FinishComponents section) I write components status to registry. After that - finish page displayed where I could not press Back-button.
All work fine.
Generally speaking I correspond with THraSH. This example will be updated in the near future.