Archive: Logging with Silentinstall set to normal

Logging with Silentinstall set to normal

I have recompiled NSIS so that I can write logfiles and it works fine.
But now I want to use "ShowInstDetails show" and need to set SilentInstall to normal in order to have the Installer displayed.

Looks like I cannot write a logfile if the installer is visible...

Is this true?

How can I display the installer and write a logfile?



Have a look at this page. Use LogSet on.

Done that

This switch is not new to me - of course I have set it to "on".

That does not change anything.

I am still working with nsis version 1.98 ==> should it be supported in that version?


In 2.0b0 and above LogSet on starts the logging, in 1.98 it enables it but in the directory window if the hidden checkbox (shown if holding shift while going to that page) is unselected it will redisable it. What you need to do is enable it after the directory page, in the first section for example.


thanks for your instant reply!

I dont use the directory window, I just have one section (actually I am using a lot of functions which I call when needed).

In this one section the first statement ist "Logset on" and I switch on the LogSet in some functions as well, e.g. in ".OnInit"

Nothing works, I just don't get a logfile....

What I have to do is to set "SilentInstall silentlog"!
However, I want to have the installer-window displayed, which is disabled with this switch.

Any ideas?



Fiddled with the source

in order to "solve" my problem, I have changed a sourceline:

in the file ..\exehead\Ui.c

I made this change:

// if (g_inst_cmnheader->silent_install == 2)
if (g_inst_cmnheader->silent_install>=0)

which means, that I always get a logfile, no matter how the switch SILENT_INSTALL is set.

Additionally, I have deactivated the "CALL" and the "JUMP" logging-lines, because they made my logfile rather messy.

What do you think about that?


What version of NSIS are you using? LogSet on should start logging for 2.0b0 and above. If you are using 2.0b0 and above then this is a bug and I would like to fix it.

I have fixed a bug that caused LogSet to do nothing in the latest CVS version. Please download NSIS 2.0b2 and use the new NSIS update to get the latest CVS version ("Download the latest untested development files...").