Archive: unselect on another select

unselect on another select
Hi all, im sure this must have been asked before but i cant find anything on it.

I have multiple sections that can be installed but two of the five sections cant both be installed its one or the other how can i make it so when you select one of these the other is unselected ?


Archive->Browse->Examples->Mutually Exclusive Sections,64

Enjoy :D

is this script for version 2 as i get a compile error

Section expects 0-1 parameters, got 2.
Usage: Section [section_name|-section_name]
Error in script "Z:\patch\Mutually Exclusive Sections part 1.nsi" on line 35 -- aborting creation process

if this is for version 2 do you know of an alternative for 1.98

Yes, this is a script for 2. It won't be hard to make it work with 1.98 though...

Define SF_SELECTED as 0x80000000 and SECTION_OFF as 0x7FFFFFFF, remove SectionIn RO, remove sec1 and sec2 after the name of the two sections and then replace every ${sec1} with the number of the first section (starting from 0) and ${sec2} with the number of the second section.

Superb thank you very much..
Do you not have a job as you seem to be able to devote so much time to this forum which i think is great.
btw this page says the example is for 1.98 and it also has 2 parameters for section

Yep, indeed. Seems like I wrote it for a0 and above. I will change that page.

No, I don't have a job, unless you count school as a job :p

He's a high-school student. ;)

Edit: You beat me to it Kich. :)