Archive: Release schedule

Release schedule
hi all,

I'm curious: is there a release schedule for NSIS 2?

I don't need hard dates, but am curious as to how many beta versions there are going to be?

And is it considered improper/unrealiable to use these betas for my own little game installation?


I'm guessing but I'd say there'll be betas until the things to be added to NSIS are too major to delay a release, and when the bugs seem to be fixed ... so no I don't think there's a "plan" as such.

As for using the beta versions, as long as you are satisfied that it works for you and your clients I can think of no reason not to use em.

BTW did anyone notice that Hegemonia (a recent space game) used NSIS? :D

Originally posted by Sunjammer
BTW did anyone notice that Hegemonia (a recent space game) used NSIS? :D
Yep! :D :up:

Thanks for the reply.

My needs are simple: 30 or so megabytes of program and data to be installed to a directory on the user's harddisk, start menu items added, and uninstall support too.

Does anyone have a gut feeling on how many existing bugs I'll encounter if I use the current NSIS 2 build?

Or am I better going with the original NSIS?


Personally I always use the beta versions and I've had no problems at all. I'm possibly about to start using it for several hundred megs of install of a proper product, and it's already used for two other installations and they both work fine... one of those uses NSIS v1.4 or summat (way old :)) and the other uses a cvs version a few months old.

For my own adhoc projects now and again I use the very latest cvs every time and just test it till I'm happy it works. I expect that there are less bugs in the cvs version than in the last official NSIS release.

The deadline, unless someone else will replace me then, is in about 5 months. But I really hope to finish everything I want to add/improve/fix before we release NSIS 2 earlier. I believe it shouldn't take more than two months from now. Considering that I have a big vacation from school in two months a reasonable estimation is in three months.

The CVS version is rarley very unstable, and if it is you will probably notice its instability very quickly, and it will also be fixed very quickly. A lot of bugs have been fixed since the last official release (1.98), so you might say sticking with the last official version is not the best either. Like Sunjammer said, if it works for you, use it.

breville, if you wait enough time I can get you a list of bugs that you might enouter if you will use b0. I can get you a list that might be as large, or even larger for 1.98 too. On the other hand, for the latest CVS version I can't, because I have not found them yet :) I can however say that you won't find any bugs there from the first two lists ;) The latest CVS version should come out as b1 tomorrow (or as soon as I can get the files to CVS :(), so you can safely call it stable for now.