Archive: Noob question

Noob question
  Hey sorry Im a big noob to NSIS, I am a coder for a total conversion for Battlefield 1942 and we are just about ready to release our first alpha, and have chosen NSIS for the installer, well to the problem, I think im just going to post the code that I need help with:
Installer Sections

Section "waste.exe" SecCopyUI

;Add your stuff here

SetOutPath "$INSTDIR"
File "${NSISDIR}\Wasteland\Files\Wasteland2042_a5"

;Create uninstaller
WriteUninstaller "$INSTDIR\Uninstall.exe"


Ok what im having troubles with is the actuall files that get installed on the end users computer, I want to install a folder with all th appropriete files and sub folders, I have no idea how to do this, I have all the files and folders that the user requires in the path ive pointed NSIS to:
File "${NSISDIR}\Wasteland\Files\Wasteland2042_a5"

But It doesnt seem to let me.
Ive searched and searched, so I feel pretty nooobish If no one else has had trouble with this.


  Welcome to Nsis Forum, Don't Worry Everyone has their own
first time :D

Check this past post:
is about likt this:

Section "Section_Dude"
File "dir\*.*"
CreateDirectory "$INSTDIR\dir"
SetOutPath $INSTDIR\dir
File "dir\dir\*.*"

Hope this help :p

Perfect! :thumb: thanks a million!


File/r C:pathtodir
is easier. No need to include all sub-directories by hand.

And SetOutPath creates the directory too, no need to manually do that.

Replace 'pathtodir' with the path to the directory where the files are that you want to have installed. DON'T use *.* after the path. Confirm for yourself that only the files that you want to install are in that directory, since other files are also taken into the package.