13th February 2003 22:57 UTC
I suck at NSIS
I'm not very good at NSIS, so I used a template script generated by another user on the AVS forum. I want to make AVS 2.5.1 install only with Winamp 2 (it already comes with Winamp 3), and I can enable/disable it based on the winamp version it is being installed for, but I cannot allow the user to modify it.
14th February 2003 10:07 UTC
I am sorry, I don't understand the question. AVS 2.5.1 is enabled/disabled according to the user selection of Winamp2/3 and can not be changed. What's the problem?
14th February 2003 21:35 UTC
ok, I want AVS 2.5.1 to be readonly for Winamp 3, because AVS 2.5.1 comes with Winamp 3. For Winamp 2, it should be not readonly. I can do this, but the AVS 2.5.1 selection box is fixed to checked or unchecked.
14th February 2003 22:41 UTC
SectionSetFlags ${uavs} ${readonly}
SectionGetFlags ${uavs} $R9
IntOp $R9 $R9 & 0xFFFFFFEF
SectionSetFlags ${uavs} $R9
That will make it selectable by the user.
16th February 2003 16:38 UTC