Archive: any way too do a '!if ${FOO} == 1'?

any way too do a '!if ${FOO} == 1'?
I am using NSIS to write an installer for the upcoming release of The Ur-Quan Masters

And I'm pretty much done. However, I'd like the installer to be very easy to configure, and as such would really like to be able to do something like:

!define FOO 1 ;Set FOO to 2, 1, or 0 depending on option
!if ${FOO} == 2
!elseif ${FOO} == 1

I realize that for 2 options, I could do:

!define FOO 1 ;Comment this line if you don't want FOO
!ifdef ${FOO}
!define FOO 0

(Note that I need to define FOO, since I use it later in the installer)
Which works (and is how I'm doinng it now), but is somewhat confusing for the users, and doesn't allow for more than 2 options

Is there any more elegant way to do what I need?
(We are usiing 2.0b1)
(BTW: Thank you for NSIS! It is a wonderful project)

I should also mention that I've tried using IntCmp in a .onInit, but that requires thatI set the variable as $0-$9 (or $R0-$R9), or push it onto the stack, neither of which is really a viable option, since I have lots of variabbles I need to do this for.

well, your using the same "BAR" to define diferent strings...
.... try use the other "cmp" like StrCmp... for example:

Function GetWinVer
Push $R0
Push $R1
ReadRegStr $R0 HKLM "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion" VersionNumber
ReadRegStr $R1 HKLM "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion" CurrentVersion
StrCmp $R0 '4.00.950' Win95 NotWin95/NT3
StrCmp $R1 '3.51.1057' WinNT3 NotWin95/NT3
SectionSetFlags ${descSQ} 16
SectionSetFlags ${descSQ} 16

Function GetIEVer
Push $R0
Push $R1
Push $1
GetDllVersion "$SYSDIR\mshtml.dll" $R0 $R1
IntOp $1 $R0 / 0x00010000 ;Necesitas el primer dígito/We only need the first digit
IntCmp $1 ${IEver} SameVer BadVer GoodVer ;Debe ser 5 o superior la versión
MessageBox MB_YESNO|MB_ICONSTOP "No version support" IDYES GoodVer

Hope this help you! :D

I think that many people would like it to see !elseif added to NSIS. And it would take NSIS again one step closer to a 'real' scriptiong or programming language.

Using StrCmp doesn't buy me anything over an IntCmp in this case, and isn't very conveneient since this check is done in several places (this indicates that I'd need to do the compare in a function call, which I thought about, but it seems kinda silly to do a compare in the installer, when the actual string can be defined at compile-time instead).

Anyhow, I have a workable solution for now, and I really do appreciate all the nifty features in NSIS.


Originally posted by virtlink
I think that many people would like it to see !elseif added to NSIS. And it would take NSIS again one step closer to a 'real' scriptiong or programming language.
Use "!else ifdef"

Originally posted by Joost Verburg
Use "!else ifdef"
That isn't quite the same as

Which is what I'd like to see (and I imagine what virtlink was talking about)

!if something = somethingelse is not supported. You'll have to do with !ifdef, !else ifdef, and !endif for now. Instead of giving a value for your define make use of two different define names.

This just occured to me but I've not tried it...

!define FOO 1 ;Set FOO to 2, 1, or 0 depending on option


!define FOO${FOO}

!ifdef ${FOO2}
!else ifdef ${FOO1}



Very cool! i just tried this, and it works great. (of course you shouldn't have the '${' and '}' on the !ifdef lines (I screwed up the original proto code too)), so it looks more like:

!define FOO 1 ;Set FOO to 2, 1, or 0 depending on option


!define FOO${FOO}

!ifdef FOO2
!else ifdef FOO1

But it does exactly what I need!


Ar yes you're right. Like I said, I hadn't tried it :)

Glad I could help.

Good idea eccles! :D

works for me too :p