Detect Free RAM?
How can we detect free RAM in the end-user machine? :weird:
Archive: Detect Free RAM?
Detect Free RAM?
How can we detect free RAM in the end-user machine? :weird:
System does it again :D
::Alloc 32
System::Call "Kernel32::GlobalMemoryStatus(i) v (r1)"
>System::Call "*$1(&i4 .r2, &i4 .r3, &i4 .r4, \
&i4 .r5, &i4 .r6, &i4.r7, &i4 .r8, &i4 .r9)"
>System::Free $1
DetailPrint "Structure size (useless): $2 Bytes"
>DetailPrint "Memory load: $3%"
>DetailPrint "Total physical memory: $4 Bytes"
>DetailPrint "Free physical memory: $5 Bytes"
>DetailPrint "Total page file: $6 Bytes"
>DetailPrint "Free page file: $7 Bytes"
>DetailPrint "Total virtual: $8 Bytes"
>DetailPrint "Free virtual: $9 Bytes"
thanks !!!!
:eek: didnĀ“t know that trick :eek:
in mirc, just type /stat :)
oh wait, you need moo.dll :P
Ok, try everything..... but how can we convert to MB in Nsis,
because the $4 return in Bytes ?
This one for example:
jejeje...yeah...IntOp... does it !!!!
Thanks :D
I love system.dll.
Old thread but I was trying to figure out how to determine how to detect the amount of system memory at install time and came across this via google.
This was very useful and got me on the right track. Most of our install targets are 64 bit systems so I needed a solution that could handle this (not 32 bit integer limited) and found I needed to use GlobalMemoryStatusEX instead of GlobalMemoryStatus . One key difference is that the structure passed to GlobalMemoryStatusEx, MEMORYSTATUSEX, must have the structure size set (This isn't necessary with GlobalMemoryStatus and MEMORYSTATUS. If anyone's interested here's the code I used:
## allocate
System::Alloc 64
Pop $0
## set
# GlobalMemoryStatusEx requires structure size to set in
# MEMORYSTATUSEX instance passed in as argument
System::Call "*$0(i 64, i 0, l 0, l 0, l 0, l 0, l 0, l 0, l 0)"
## call
System::Call "Kernel32::GlobalMemoryStatusEx(i r0)"
## get
System::Call "*$0(i.r1, i.r2, l.r3, l.r4, l.r5, l.r6, l.r7, l.r8, l.r9)"
## free
System::Free $0
## print
DetailPrint "Structure size: $1 bytes"
DetailPrint "Memory load: $2%"
DetailPrint "Total physical memory: $3 bytes"
DetailPrint "Free physical memory: $4 bytes"
DetailPrint "Total page file: $5 bytes"
DetailPrint "Free page file: $6 bytes"
DetailPrint "Total virtual: $7 bytes"
DetailPrint "Free virtual: $8 bytes"
DetailPrint "Free extended virtual: $9 bytes"
You should add this code to the Wiki page:
And here are the links again so everyone can read them.
First link to GlobalMemoryStatusEx:
Second link to GlobalMemoryStatus:
Fourth link to MEMORYSTATUS:
Just a heads up...
If you are going to manipulate values returned from the output of GlobalMemoryStatusEX use Math::Script instead of IntOp. IntOp functionality appears to be limited to signed 4 byte integers...
the system plugin has Int64Op
the system plugin has Int64OpExcellent! Math::Script seemed a little too heavy weight for my needs...
How do I make it work on 64bit ? (returns negative numbers)
on 64bit The following code
gives this (also picture attached):System
::Alloc 32
System::Call "Kernel32::GlobalMemoryStatus(i) v (r1)"
System::Call "*$1(&i4 .r2, &i4 .r3, &i4 .r4, &i4 .r5, \
&i4 .r6, &i4.r7, &i4 .r8, &i4 .r9)"
System::Free $1
; $5 => Free RAM
; $4 => Total RAM
IntOp $R5$5 / 1048576 ; 1048576 = 1024*1024, or MegaX
IntOp $R4$4 / 1048576 ; 1048576 = 1024*1024, or MegaX
MessageBox MB_OK "R5: $R5 5: $5 R4: $R4 4: $4"
Have you read the entire thread? I would guess "no"...
Get negative crap
Sorry for not reading the thread :-).
So after this code:
on a 64 bit machine I get: -262776System
::Alloc 64
## set
# GlobalMemoryStatusEx requires structure size to set in
# MEMORYSTATUSEX instance passed in as argument
System::Call "*$0(i 64, i 0, l 0, l 0, l 0, l 0, l 0, l 0, l 0)"
## call
System::Call "Kernel32::GlobalMemoryStatusEx(i r0)"
## get
System::Call "*$0(i.r1, i.r2, l.r3, l.r4, l.r5, l.r6, l.r7, l.r8, l.r9)"
## free
System::Free $0
MessageBox MB_OK "TotalRAM: $3 FreeRAM: $4"
IntOp $vTotalRAMtemp $3 * 1
IntOp $vTotalRAM $vTotalRAMtemp/ 1
MessageBox MB_OK "TotalRAM: $vTotalRAM"
; $4 => Free RAM
; $3 => Total RAM
IntOp $vTotalRAM$3 / 1048576 ; 1048576 = 1024*1024, or MegaX
IntOp $vFreeRAM$4 / 1048576 ; 1048576 = 1024*1024, or MegaX
MessageBox MB_OK "vTotalRAM: $vTotalRAM"
In posts subsequent to the GlobalMemoryStatusEX post you'll find that you need to use System::Int64Op to do 64 bit math.
My code looks like:
System::Alloc 64
Pop $0
System::Call "*$0(i 64)"
System::Call "Kernel32::GlobalMemoryStatusEx(i r0)"
System::Call "*$0(i, i, l.r1, l, l, l, l, l, l)"
System::Free $0
; convert bytes to megabytes
System::Int64Op $1 / 1048576
Pop $1
THANKS ALOT!!!!!!!!!!!!
THANKS ALOT!!!!!!!!!!!!