Archive: Using Section control under SubSections

Using Section control under SubSections
  Question 1.

Is there any way of disabling the SubSection check boxes?
Right now clicking on SubSections mess up any Sections by
selecting all unselected Sections
unselecting all selected Sections.

I need it so that clicking on SubSections will do apsolutly nothing.

So far all I have been able to do is the easy part - remove the SubSections' checkbox pic, however the SubSections are still there ofcourse.

Question 2.

Can the cammand line for (Win9x) or cmd.exe (Win2k/XP) be found in registry?

Question 3.

Anyway to run programs inside the install window, such as programs that run inside the MS-DOS window.
That would be nice maybe for future releases.

Question 4.

On Windows XP, there is an area where shortcuts to your most commonly used programs are made.
However, no matter how often I run my program exe (made with NSIS) it just won't turn up in there.
Any way of getting it to turn up there through registry changes maybe?
My guess is it doesn't turn up there since Winblows recognises its just an installer program, where as I am using it to compile Quake2 levels.

Any help would be most helpful!


1) According to your script you are using the one-section example code. When the user clicks the sub-section every section below it will be chosen. You can eliminate this situation by adding this code in .onSelChange before the original code kicks in (right after the Push):


>SectionGetFlags ${sec1} $0
IntOp$2 $2 & $0
SectionGetFlags${sec2} $0
IntOp$2 $2 & $0
SectionGetFlags${sec3} $0
IntOp$2 $2 & $0
SectionGetFlags${sec4} $0
IntOp$2 $2 & $0
StrCmp$2 0 skip
SectionSetFlags${sec1} 0
SectionSetFlags${sec2} 0
SectionSetFlags${sec3} 0
SectionSetFlags${sec4} 0
It will unselect all four sections if all are selected.

2) Use ReadEnvStr $0 COMSPEC
3) Use nsExec for that. There is a readme for it in Contrib\nsExec.
4) I have no idea, sorry. This one might give you a clue.

Still a problem...

I have a subsection -> 3 sections
Then I have another subsection -> 4 sections
The 3 sections part won't work.
I have the last 4 sections working fine :)

StrCpy $2 ${SF_SELECTED}
SectionGetFlags ${secRADreq} $0
IntOp $2 $2 & $0
SectionGetFlags ${secRADextra} $0
IntOp $2 $2 & $0
SectionGetFlags ${secRADnormal} $0
IntOp $2 $2 & $0
SectionGetFlags ${secRADfast} $0
IntOp $2 $2 & $0
StrCmp $2 0 skip2
SectionSetFlags ${secRADreq} 0
SectionSetFlags ${secRADextra} 0
SectionSetFlags ${secRADnormal} 0
SectionSetFlags ${secRADfast} 0

Thanks for the help dude :)

Roger that!!


All I need now is a bit to fix the problemo

Just add the same piece of code for the 3 sections too, it should work.

Yep, it works nicely now.
Thanks ever so much!

-Stuart :)