Archive: NSISdl

Does the NSISdl plugin automatically connect to the internet via ras or does the user have to connect to it manually. What about a request function which detects if an internet connection is already established? How can I connect to the internet within an NSI script? I know there are the API calls InternetAutodial and RASDial? Could you implement these in NSISdl?

Check out at the archive download page.

Thanks for your answer. But the dialerdll link statically to the Internet Explorer Function. Not everyone has got an MS IE 4 or above. You should also add the possibility to dial over the RAS. Because RAS is also not installed on every machine, it should be dynamically linked. What happens if a user runs a NSI script, and the plug-in dll cannot be loaded, because of missing DLLs?

Well then I guess like the author of that plugin you'll have to write your own or persuade someone else to do so for you. I very much doubt such capabilities will be added to NSIS directly.

Internet* functions were used because they are a lot more simpler than RAS functions. Please add a feature request to SF so it won't be forgotten. For now you can use IfErrors to find out if the plug-in loaded or not. If it wasn't loaded try to download and if it can't download tell the user to connect to the internet and try again.

Thank you very much for your answer. I will perhaps write a plugin with RAS functions for NSIS. I will then post it to the archive.