Archive: Close compiler window

Close compiler window

I were wondering if it is possible to let the compiler window autoclose?
This is because I am using the makensisw.exe in one of my (macromedia) Director presentations to create a modified *.nsi file on the fly and compiling it, so the director movie calls
'makensisw.exe c:\install.exe c:\file.nsi'. If the compiler can perform an autoclose I could detect the presence (or not!) of the makensisw.exe window and SO.... detect if it is still active or not!


Tom van Gemert
Trimedia Interactive Projects
Eindhoven, The Netherlands

Why don't you just use makensis.exe directly instead of makensisw.exe?

Could do that... but still

What is the problem? Call makensis.exe instead of makensisw.exe.

t_vgemert: Just to clarify, makensisw is just a thin wrapper around makensis, all of the real compilation is done by makensis. In fact makensisw never used to exist!

So, if you are doing compilation from a script or wherever you should *not* be invoking makensisw, you should be invoking makensis.exe.

If you still want to use makensisw can you please explain why, I (and doubtless Joost will say the same) have absolutely no idea why you would want to invoke makensisw.exe instead.

Ok, understand that. I wanted to use makensisw because it has a GUI, but still that would be a temporary solution for me because in the end I need to compile the nsi file in the background while the user gets a progress/busy dialogue. But if the makensisw.exe had a function which makes its window close after completion it would be a nice temporary solution for me.

Have you tried sending a WM_CLOSE message to makensisw? try looking at this.

If you close makensisw immidiately, why do you need the GUI?

Smart one Joost! In my final version I don't need the GUI but as I reach my deadline on this project I realy like to have an alternative solution ready, so the makensisw.exe that closes by itself is a nice compromise ain't it.

And it doesn't close immediately. My nsi file takes about 1 - 3 minutes to compile because of big files...

Use nsExec::ExecToLog, that way you will know when it finishes, you won't have an external window, and you will capture the build output as makensisw does.

He is not calling it using NSIS. But if you don't use any of the MakeNSISW functions, why not call makensis.exe? It will show you a console window instead of the GUI.

Oh yeah, sorry :)