Archive: nsExec problem

nsExec problem
Could not load: C:\DOCUME~1\WINDOW~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\nst22.tmp\nsExec.dll

I get this when trying to use nsExec
It worked before, but stopped working now.
All I have done is moved parts of my nsi script to seperate nsi files, since my script got so large.
Is this a bug due to the nsExec command being called from in a seperate (!include) file?

I ran my old map-compiler script (when nsExec worked), and it still happens.

Also, how do I use LogText?

-Stuart :(

Did you look to see if the file was there?

b0 or b1? Please attach the script.

To use LogText you have to compile your own version of NSIS with #define NSIS_CONFIG_LOG uncommented in Source\exehead\config.h. Then use LogSet to turn on/off the log and then you'll be able to use LogText (I think you can skip LogSet, not sure about it).

Another question...
Is there any way of copying all text in the LogText window, and then pasting it into a file?
I mean a script to do it, instead of the user doing it manually.


Well, you can do what NSIS does when the user right-clicks the log and chooses copy. This will require System.dll and I don't have much time now so you'll have to wait for tomorrow unless someone will figure it out before me :)

How is the figuring it out going :)


Here it is:,11

Kichik, I am using your Dump Log file script for the installer - but it doesn't log the uninstall -- is there a way to adapt this script to log the uninstall information??

thanks so much for the help!

Well, the function in the example is not built for the uninstaller as you can see by its lack of "un." prefix. If you wish to use it in the uninstaller, rename it to un.DumpLog.

kichik, I used your dumplog in my installer script. But the install.log content is unreadable at all because I created the installer by Unicode NSIS. Is there Unicode system.dll available or any other way to solve this problem?

Thanks a lot.

System plug-in already supports Unicode. You just have to call the right functions (W instead of A) with the right parameter types (w instead of t).

kichik, thanks a lot. Problem is solved! :up:

Originally posted by kichik
System plug-in already supports Unicode. You just have to call the right functions (W instead of A) with the right parameter types (w instead of t).
I receive an unreadable file too (2.46 Unicode), and I don't understand the instruction kichik gave above regarding how to modify the function ( to make it readable. Help is appreciated.


Use SendMessageW instead of SendMessageA and you need to use LVM_GETITEMTEXTW instead of LVM_GETITEMTEXT (google the value). You may also need to change the &t to &w but check the Unicode System plug-in readme for that.

Edit: You may also need to use different FileWrite functions but again check the Unicode NSIS manual.


Oh, excellent, switching to LVM_GETITEMTEXTW did the trick. Thanks, Stu.