Archive: Do not show me instfiles page

Do not show me instfiles page
I need to show only license page and if user press Agree the files should be installed without showing the instfiles page.
If it's possible, please share.

The Instfile Page is only shown if DirText is defined. Remove it and instfiles page will be skipped

That's right. But in this way it shows me the progress bar window. What I need is to skip all windows after license. If user presses "Agree" I proceed like in SilentInstall. Is it possible?

you can use the banner.dll.
use banner::show /NOUNLOAD "Text" at the beginning of your section and banner::destroy at the last command of your last section.
This way it shows only the text you want to show and hide the progress bar window. But as far as i know there is no posibility to do what you want because Silentinstall is an installer attribute which is set once and changeable during runtime.

Silent flag is not changeable during run-time.

What you could do is create one installer that will install files and will be silent and another installer that will just show the license page and call the other installers on the leave function of the license page.

To all: thanks!