20th February 2003 23:50 UTC
Download dialog and .NET FW check
Hello all!
I'm still new to NSIS so the first question is a easy one.
1. I want to download a file. I can download the file, but how do I show the dialog.
Here is my code:
NSISDLSmooth::download "" "$EXEDIR\dotnetfx.exe"
2. I want to do a check for .NET Framework v1.1 or newer(when it comes) The code I have works fine for know, but dont know when there is a new release..
Here is my code:
ReadRegStr $0 HKLM "Software\Microsoft\.NETFramework\policy\v1.1" "4322"
IfErrors Error
Goto End
MessageBox MB_OK|MB_ICONSTOP "Setup could not detect Microsoft .NET Framework v1.1 on this computer. $\n Please install Microsoft .NET Framework v1.1 and run setup again."
21st February 2003 03:50 UTC
There is already a function to detect the .net framework in
NSIS archive. You can take a look at it.
21st February 2003 05:12 UTC
Yes, that one it great, but my app that I'm installing doesn't support .NET Framework v1.0.
I just upgraded from VS.NET 2002 to VS.NET 2003 Final Beta, and the programs I develop no longer work on PC's with .NET Framework v1.0
Stupid me didn't know about that before I upgraded..
21st February 2003 10:52 UTC
Well, if it's just v1.0 that doesn't work you can add one StrCmp to the already existing function and then it will only work with v1.1 and above. After line 25 (StrCmp $2 "" noDotNET) add StrCmp $2 "v1.0" EnumStart. This will cause the function to return 0 is only v1.0 is installed.
Does the normal NSISdl shows the dialog?
21st February 2003 12:04 UTC
oh, OK :) Thanks!
No, the normal NSISdl doesn't show it either. I read the readme.txt that follows and it also says:
To translate NSISdl add:
/TRANSLATE downloading connecting second minute hour plural progress remianing
to the call line.
Default values are:
downloading - "Downloading %s"
connecting - "Connecting ..."
second - "second"
minute - "minute"
hour - "hour"
plural - "s"
progress - "%dkB (%d%%) of %dkB @ %d.%01dkB/s"
remaining - "(%d %s%s remaining)"
/TRANSLATE must come before /TIMEOUT.
But like I said, I'm a newbie, so I dont understand how to use it...
21st February 2003 12:43 UTC
Sorry about the confusion. lol. Forget about the translate thing.
The problem was that I didn't have the code in a section, it was in Function .onGUIInit.
All is fine now, and thanks again to all!
Have a nice weekend everyoen!
21st February 2003 13:29 UTC
kichik. Does it work if a user has both .NET v1.0 and v1.1 or higher installed?
Cuz some people just install the v1.1 without uninstalling the v1.0 first..
Thanks again!
21st February 2003 13:33 UTC
It will not return 1 if the user has only v1.0. If the user has both installed it will return 1.
21st February 2003 13:37 UTC
Works perfectly! Thanks again!