Archive: Urgent! Requset for user defined variables

Urgent! Requset for user defined variables

I would like to know that whether there is possible or not for using user own defined user varibles instead of using of $0-$9 and $R0 - $R9 NSIS's variables. Because I need more user varibles to declare and hope that I can declare myself to make it more meaningful.

Can anyone give me of guide line or advise. Thanks!!

You cannot create more variables, but you can push these variables to stack and when you are finished with them, pop them back:


># use $1 and $0 here...
>Pop $1
># $0 and $1 are same as before the push now
(used a example by Kichik)

You can create more variables (or should I rather say constants):
!define myConstant '4.3'

This might release some variables that you used up to this time for eg the version number. Besides that, writing parts of your installer in a function that doesn't user variables (by putting the original values on stack and retrieving them afterwards) might help. See the example of deguix.

Good luck,

While this won't give you *more* variables, you do mention "more meaningful", so...

!define NumberOfFiles $R3

You would reference this as

Pop ${NumberOfFiles}

StrCpy ${NumberOfFiles} $R0

DetailPrint "Files = ${NumberOfFiles}"


Hi !

As you've stated yourself, the "variables" defined by "define" would become constants; has there been any thoughts of the possibility of free "usernamed" variables ? Would it hard to program ? What are the challenges (there must be some since it hasn't been made yet ;-)...

Originally posted by Smile2Me
You can create more variables (or should I rather say constants):
!define myConstant '4.3'

This might release some variables that you used up to this time for eg the version number. Besides that, writing parts of your installer in a function that doesn't user variables (by putting the original values on stack and retrieving them afterwards) might help. See the example of deguix.

Good luck,

It is planned for NSIS 3.