Archive: How to know JSDK home directory.

How to know JSDK home directory.
  Hi everybody!
I am using NSIS 2.0b1. I want to know JSDK home directory and check whether its version is later than 1.4 or not . Please help me.

Read this: HKLM\SOFTWARE\JavaSoft\Java Runtime Environment "CurrentVersion" -> $0 and use that to read: HKLM\SOFTWARE\JavaSoft\Java Runtime Environment\$0 "JavaHome" or is that not what you are looking for?

I actually do not know what belongs to the JavaScript Development Kit (assuming that is the meaning of JSDK), so these regentries might not be helping or maybe they are...


this is what I've used


ReadRegStr$1 HKLM "SOFTWARE\\JavaSoft\\Java Development Kit" "CurrentVersion"
>ReadRegStr $2 HKLM "SOFTWARE\\JavaSoft\\Java Development Kit\$1" "JavaHome"

>IfErrors 0 NoAbort
MessageBox MB_OK "Couldn't find a Java Development Kit installed. Setup will exit now."

DetailPrint "Found JDK in path $2"
it uses $1 and $2 so you might consider push and pop them to be safe.
$1 contains the version and $2 the path.

Hope this helps,

So I was close :) Java uses the same structure in the registry as JDK :)

Have fun,

Yes, and BTW JSDK stands for Java Software Development Kit ;)


Of course :)

I am really not into Java, but my posts have already proven that :D


pcristip, can you please add this to the archive so others can enjoy it too?


Sure, I'll do it right now.

Thanks for your help ,especially pcristip and Smile2Me!
I thought about your way and I used it. My problem is that when $1 is a string version. I cannot compare it to 1.4 to decide that whether it is greater than 1.4 or not by NSIS script. I feel a shame to get your help again

The problem is known, and that is why I created this script in the past.

And thanks for the nice words :)

Have fun with the script, greetz,

Thanks Smile2Me very much, indeed!
My topic can stop here!
Huu Phuoc

Good function, I'll have to watch the archive more :D
I made my own especially for java something like this:

    StrCpy$3 $1 1 ; major version

StrCpy$4 $1 1 2 ; minor version
IntFmt$5 "%u" $3
IntFmt$6 "%u" $4
IntCmp$6 4 0 otherwise

MessageBox MB_OK "JDK>=1.4"
but I guess yours is more general


Chris, looks nice, but be warned, it only works with structures as a.b where a and b two numbers. If we would get something like 1.19 or 11.9, it would not work anymore. That is why I created the script :)

But thanks for the contribution!
