Archive: Suggestion: Script Archive

Suggestion: Script Archive
Me being a relative newbie NSISer (and getting more roped into a rerally complex installer simply by offering to help a friends app. *Sigh*) what would be really helpful would a more example scripts odf stuff that you ppl here have written.

It would save me (and others) asking stupid questions that no doubt must be ballache for all you you more experienced NSISers. :) AS I would do is look at the many, many examples. Examples of reral life installer stuff for real life apps (maybe with links to the apps so we can see what they look like with all the files)

It would go really well on you website. :)

ANyways just a suggestion. WHne I get my head down and rewrite my current installer with last remembered installer options, etc I weould post mine (if worthy :) )

The NSIS Archive is slowly growing in size and is intended to address the points you raise, are you aware of that web site?

Ummh I am aware of the NSIS archive but there are like only 5 examples. I though ppl might submit more. I want hundreds. :);)

I agree....

Originally posted by Rovastar
Ummh I am aware of the NSIS archive but there are like only 5 examples. I though ppl might submit more. I want hundreds. :);)
Yes, we need more... The samples that come with Nsis are hepfull
but we know that are some cool "shortcuts" that we could used in our
script to squeeze Nsis out it.

But also agree with sunjammer, the Nsis archive is not only updated from Nsis moderators and creators, is also from us... the users.

So that bigger we upload stuff, the bigger the Nsis archive will be. :D

I don't have enough time (wish I did tho) to add stuff to the archive, please please please *do* add stuff to it! The archive hit the 100 user count a couple of days ago and the number of people who have contributed is much higher now. Anyway speaking of time or the lack of I've got to cut myself short, time to get busy on something else :)

If no-one want to upload them for ARchieve What about a forum thread (or forum Kichik ;)) here then where people can 'submit' there finished scripts. Simple aswell as complex. For me starting out a want many general installers so I can cheat initially and cut-and-paaste loads of stuf from them.

And maybe the best/all could be added to the archeive every so often by a responsible member.:)

I have not done any really yet so I cannot but surely you must have done hundreds you NSIS gurus. :)