Archive: Progress Bar on installation Abort

Progress Bar on installation Abort

ifErrors 0 +3

MessageBox MB_OK
After user clicks OK in the Message Box I need to be done:

1. Activate Close button (it remains gray) and deactivate Cancel button.

2. Advance Progress bar to the end (it stops in the middle).

The Close button won't be activated if you aborted the installer. It's better to jump to the end of of the section using GOTO.
In this case the installer don't fail and the Close button becomes clickable

progress bar

will the nsis progress bar show the installation progress while using the page command.


Page license lic
Page instfiles install

function "lic"
# it needs to be empty to show license

function "install"

copyfiles "c:\temp\*.exe" "c:\temp" 500000


the problem is that i do not want the Microsoft progress bar to show, i would like to use the NSIS progress bar to show, once i user pressed the 'i agree' button. Is there a way to do that?


Code in functions, any functions, does not progress the progress bar, only code in sections.

progress bar

i believe i have no choice but to show the MS progress bar. that is fine. i must have missed that somewhere. My little upgrades package have to be with 'Page' but my overall installer is all in sections.

Since page can't run 'Section', 'function' is the only way.

Thanks for the info.


Originally posted by kichik
Code in functions, any functions, does not progress the progress bar, only code in sections.
Am I reading too much into this or does this mean that CopyFiles should update the progress bar when used in a section? Or is this only in reference to File? I know if I don't use the /SILENT flag it shows the MS progress bar but is there anyway for CopyFiles to update to the NSIS progress bar? I was thinking maybe it did and that was why you specify a size in the call to CopyFiles. However, now I'm noticing that it doesn't. Thanks,

CopyFiles is an external Windows command. It does not update the NSIS progress bar.

It's also quite difficult to know how long a file copy will take.