Archive: How to make the Background window minimizable ?

How to make the Background window minimizable ?
Ok, I defined a background window with

BGGradient 000000 800000 FFFFFF

When I started the installer.exe in front of the big background
window the normal installer dialog appears.

Now I want to give the user the choice to minimize either the background or foreground dialog by clicking the well known small icon
at the top right background window corner.

However this icon (althoug it exists) of the background window is NOT clickable and the similar icon of the foreground window is only
for minimizing the foreground window.

How can I make the background window clickable and minimizable?

And secondly I want to minimize BOTH windows IN ONE STEP if one of the two minimize click icons are clicked.
How do I achieve this ?


I think we forgot to check the background gradient when we added the minimize button to NSIS 2.

It will be fixed.

Maybe, also, the feature that the installer show the BGGradient but
without the title bar, like installshield for example :igor: