Archive: Install Corrupted: invalid opcode (IP.dll prob?)

Install Corrupted: invalid opcode (IP.dll prob?)
I'm getting the error message in the title occasionally.

The install script I'm creating is quite complex and uses custom dialgs and some ExecWait "" commands as well as calls to ip.dll and the System dll

The weird thing is that a cut down script using the exact same sequence of perl Exec Waits and the exact same custom dialog and dll calls never produces the error. Also the full blown script version only produces this error some of the time - usually when modifying a text box from nothing to something or vice versa.

With some investigation it looks like the problem could be being caused by a call to the ip.dll since when I comment that line out it doesn't happen. HOWEVER it also doesn't happen all the time with that line IN so I'm not sure whether that is just luck or not. Also it always works the first time around!

Problem occurs using the latest 2.0b2 nightly as well as earlier ones 2.0 versions.

Any ideas?


Can you plesae attach the script so I can test this?

It's most probably because of a relative jump over a plug-in call.
Please see the relative jumps section in the documentation for more information. If that doesn't help attach the script.