Archive: Can NSIS hide a command window?

Can NSIS hide a command window?
I just found NSIS this weekend, and I love it. I have a strange problem that I was wondering if anyone could figure out. I have .exe files made from Matlab, which are 16 bit .exe's that open a command window then a GUI when executed. All I want to do is have Windows hide this command window. The name changes on different systems and on different calls, but it's always a DOS window, and I know nothing about finding HWNDs and hiding them. Here is NSIS code that at least runs one of these programs (though it still opens up a separate command window):

Name "Help"
OutFile "bar.exe"

Section "foo"
SetOutPath "c:\Program Files\Foo"
ExecWait foo.exe

Pretty simple, I'm just wondering if there's a way to use NSIS's FindWindow and HideWindow commands for this extra popup. I tried this in C, and it usually works, but only when I know and enter the correct window title. I like and understand NSIS, and just thought I'd ask some experts :).

I had no idea there's been so much discussion on this before. I had just given up trying to find a solution :). So, now I'm using

SetOutPath "c:\Program Files\foo"
nsExec::Exec "cmd /C foo.exe"

And I only have one question left. I want to make the working directory the program's installation directory (there are 2 exe's here, one for the install program, and this one). I assume this would include:

; Get the install directory created by the installer exe
ReadRegStr HKLM SOFTWARE\Foo "Install_Dir" $x

But I don't know what other steps are needed to make this the working directory for nsExec. And I love NSIS, but I've learned all I can for one weekend and need help :).

Actually, this exe file will be installed in the install directory, so would it automatically start with the correct working directory?

You can use variables in command parameters. As in your example the command should look like

SetOutPath "$x"


SetOutPath "$INSTDIR"

as a global variable. This variable is set if you used the directory page

In version 2.0b2 and above SetOutPath sets the working directory.

Is there any similar way for ExecWait
I was searching for this thing only but i need my installer to wait to complete the exe and so i am using ExecWait. So can i have any such way to hide the cmd windows that pops out due to this call. This will help me alot. Thanks in advance.

nsExec waits for the program to finish.

Thank u for ur timely help. Thank u all


excuse me, when i type

nsExec::Exec "cmd /C ftp.exe"

where ftp.exe is the défault ftp manager of windows(c:\windows\system32\)
it doesn't work

EDIT : i understand, nsiexe wait for the programm to end but he never end