Archive: Anyone got some docs on making a short cut with your own icon.ico?

Anyone got some docs on making a short cut with your own icon.ico?
Here is what I have...
c:\myapp\bin\icon.ico file.
Section "Shortcuts"
;Add Shortcuts
CreateShortCut "$DESKTOP\eMove information.lnk" "$INSTDIR\BIN\index.htm" "" "$INSTDIR\BIN\index.htm" 1

Where the freak do I tell it what ICON to use?

Also if anyone can point me into the direction of compiling a icon file where I have a few different Icons and I can just refernce it once then pass a varible that would be awesome.

Thanks guys.:igor:


link.lnk target.file [parameters [icon.file [icon_index_number [start_options [keyboard_shortcut [description]]]]]]

Creates a shortcut 'link.lnk' that links to 'target.file', with optional parameters 'parameters'. The icon used for the shortcut is 'icon.file,icon_index_number'; for default icon settings use empty strings for both icon.file and icon_index_number. start_options should be one of: SW_SHOWNORMAL, SW_SHOWMAXIMIZED, SW_SHOWMINIMIZED, or an empty string. keyboard_shortcut should be in the form of 'flag|c' where flag can be a combination (using |) of: ALT, CONTROL, EXT, or SHIFT. c is the character to use (a-z, A-Z, 0-9, F1-F24, etc). Note that no spaces are allowed in this string. A good example is "ALT|CONTROL|F8". $OUTDIR is used for the working directory. You can change it by using SetOutPath (See section before creating the Shortcut. description should be the description of the shortcut, or comment as it is called under XP. The error flag is set if the shortcut cannot be created (i.e. the path does not exist, or some other error).


Man I am just not understanding it!

How about an example of a shortcut that you have made.


[edit] Oops posted in the wrong thread [/edit]

CreateShortcut "$DESKTOP\eMove Information.lnk" "$INSTDIR\BIN\index.htm" "" "$INSTDIR\bin\22 e-3d-7.ico" "1"

And this dosnt work.

Do you want to use the first icon in the file? The first icon is 0, not 1.

DUDE! I am SO sorry I thought I had more then one blasted icon in the file!!!!

Totally my fault.

Thanks. I really owe you one. . . or 10
