Archive: Welcome Message area too short

Welcome Message area too short

I noticed a problem while using the Welcome message using German and French localization strings. In fact, the area is too short to put in the translated message (see attached screenshot).


The only way to fix this is by changing one of the values in the ioSpeicial.ini file in the nsis\contib\modern ui\ dir.

Make a backup of it, and then just mess around with the figures for top and bottom labels. I think you just need to change the figures in fields 2 and 3.


The title of your application is a bit long. I have updated to Modern UI to let three lines fit on the Welcome page, so grab the latest CVS files :)

The title of your application is a bit long.
I could name it AC 5.0 :D

The fix from Stuart did it !

I will also grab the latest CVS ... Thank you Joost


or use a smaller font :p

BTW, when using the header bitmap with Modern UI, the second header line (the one that contains ex. "Choose which features of ... you want to install") becomes really small, and at least with the Greek translation the text in that line is cut off most of the times. It should be at least 2 lines...

Done :D

Same Problem
I have this same problem with my installer. This topic seems a little old, wondering if there was an easier solution? Can I easily change the font size like was suggested if so how?

Thank you,
Anthony Taylor (Llynix)
NASA World Wind Installer Maintainer


Thank you very much, perfect.

For those who come later you need a:


Before your

!insertmacro MUI_PAGE_WELCOME