Archive: Long file names

Long file names
I'm having a problem renaming long filenames in my installer. I wan to include a file called "3DNA Minimal.mp3". I want to reposition the directory it gets installed to so here's what I've tried,

File /oname="Audio\Background\3DNA Minimal.mp3"
"C:\Temp\3DNA_Rel_1.0\3DNA\Audio\Background\3DNA Minimal.mp3"

But makensis will stop when it gets to this line and print a message about the usage of the "File" function. If I enter,

File "C:\Temp\3DNA_Rel_1.0\3DNA\Audio\Background\3DNA Minimal.mp3"

everything works fine. I can't see that I'm missing anything or doing anything wrong. If I include the same line in the script say as,

File /oname="Audio\Background\3DNAMinimal.mp3"

so there is no spaces in the filename makensis will then give me a message saying that it can't find the file which is correct. The space in the filename seems to be causing problems.

Any ideas?

Never mind, was finally able to find an answer to this in the forums and it already is a known issue. It works when you put the quote in front of /oname rather than after it. So this does work for me,

File "/oname=Audio\Background\3DNA Minimal.mp3" "C:\Temp\3DNA_Rel_1.0\3DNA\Audio\Background\3DNA Minimal.mp3"

Yep. That's how it always works with flags.