Archive: add DSN to ODBC at setup time

add DSN to ODBC at setup time
How can i add or modify user DSN at setup time?
How can i give a message when a intall option is removed or selected?
And can we change the date formet (dd/MM/yyyy) at runtime?

plz give solutions

To add a DSN search the forum for ODBC:
And the Archive:,11

To do something when an install option is selected or removed use the .onSelChange callback function and SectionGetFlags.

What do you mean by change the date format? Do you want to change the sysmte date format?

Hi All,
I just want to make a small note here... the solution of writing to registry given by Domigref works absolutely fine, but just a small correction in the Driver ID dWord value should be "0x00000019" instead of "00000019" though this does not give any error it works fine it allows to connect to the DB as well, but if you go and check in the ODBC Administrator via control panel you wont see any database file there... after putting this string it works fine.
