Archive: Three InstType bugs!

Three InstType bugs!
  [list=1][*]When you enter a wrong syntax of InstType, the compiler, which mentiones the correct syntax, doesn't mention /COMPONENTSONLYONCUSTOM[*]The documentation says /COMPONENTS... ...ONLYONCUSTOM instead of /COMPONENTSONLYONCUSTOM[*]When you use InstType /NOCUSTOM before InstType /COMPONENTSONLYONCUSTOM, then 'Custom' is still shown in the install type list. By using InstType /COMPONENTSONLYONCUSTOM first, this problem doesn't occour.[/list=1]

1) Fixed, thanks.
2) Fixed, thanks.
3) Those two don't work together.

Originally posted by kichik
3) Those two don't work together.
Those two DID work together when I tested it at first. Test this:


This did not display the 'Custom' option, and not the component selection box.

But this is the problem:


This acts the same as:


As if you never used /NOCUSTOM.

Altough, I just tested it again with NSIS 2.0b2, and now it seems not to work (strange).

Nope, those two don't work together. Not on 1.98, 1.99 or any of the alphas or betas of 2.

As of now they do. Get latest CVS version using NSIS Update.

I tried this combination before and found that it did not work. Recently I downloaded the latest CVS files and, after reading through this thread, decided to try it again. It works better, but not great. The reason I say this is that the selection box is gone, but there is still a message at the top of the screen that says:

Check the components you want to install and uncheck the components you don't want to install. Click Next to continue.
I would have expected this message to be taken down when the combination of /NOCUSTOM and /COMPONENTSONLYONCUSTOM are specified. Is there a manual way of hiding this message? Is there a plan to change the compiler to take this into account?


You can change this text yourself (see NSIS Users Manual or Modern UI Readme).

Specifically the "ComponentText" installer attribute (if use default UI) and/or !define MUI_COMPONENTSPAGE_TEXT (if use Modern UI).

Thanks to you both! :up:

Now, one more question: What about the Description Box? Can I hide that, too? I've NULLified the strings, so they don't appear, but the box itself is stil visible.


If you are using Modern UI you can define 'MUI_UI_COMPONENTSPAGE_NODESC' to have a components page without the description box.

Vytautas :D

That's only for a custom UI resource file. You should define MUI_COMPONENTSPAGE_NODESC.

Doh! I thought that something strange was happening since my scripts used a different define that the one I found in the docs. I should have had a deeper look in them.

Vytautas :o

Thank you all for your most excellent help! :)