Archive: Create desktop shortcuts depending on sel. sections

Create desktop shortcuts depending on sel. sections

I'm not sure how to enable to create some desktop shortcuts depending on the selected install options.

e.g.: three install options are givin: a,b,c

user selects a and c, so only shortcuts for those sections should be created on the desktop.

any hints ?

thx in advance.

Use CreateShortcut in the Section.

You have three options:
1) Create the shortcuts in the section itself
2) Check if the file installed in a section exists and create the shortcut according to it just like in makensis.nsi
3) Use SectionGetFlags to check if the section is selected

Originally posted by Joost Verburg
Use CreateShortcut in the Section.
Of course ! shame on me.

Seems to be one of those days were you need a really huge cup of coffee before you should ask questions ! ;)

Thx to all.

I'll take the #1 :D ... looks more economic :p