Archive: Show Page License

Show Page License

LicenseText "License page"
LicenseData "C:\temp\notes.txt"
; Pages
Page license showreadme

Function .onInit
MessageBox MB_YESNO "Would you like to install. Continue?" IDYES NoAbort
Abort # quit.

function "showreadme"


Is there a way to show the readme file inside fuction "showreadme" and start with the installation process once the user click on "Close" button after reading the texts.

Right now this "showreadme" will show the readme file but it will end right after that, i can't get it to start the installation process.



same code as above:
i added:
put: "call install" inside function "showreadme"
function "install"
copyfiles "C:\temp\*.txt" "c:\temp\copy"
section "yes"

After compiling all these codes together, i got a warning saying that it won't execute any section if exist,
but It needs one section for NSIS to compile.

All i have now for a user to see is just a dialog box with a readme file display, but i would like to have the percentage file bar display, its not coming up.

Overall goal is just to display a readme file using the page command then go on to copy files with a percentage bar display.


Hello folks,

i got it all figure out, Its weird that NSIS seperate screen with pages, i now know what exactly what a PAGE ist.
pretty much i missed the point earlier.
if you show readme file or license file on screen, NSIS makes a page to show on screen using 'page license functioname' or if you want to show filecopy, use 'page instfiles functionname'.

it took a while, i know what it is now.