Archive: Need to execute TWO programs after install. can't use .oninitsucess twice

Need to execute TWO programs after install. can't use .oninitsucess twice
The first I need to run is the MDAC 2.7 libraries.

The second I need run after everything is installed is our program\MDB file. MICAD03.mdb

here is the output.

Function: ".onInstSuccess"
Exec: "MDAC_TYP.EXE" (->)
Function: ".onInstSuccess"
Error: Function named ".onInstSuccess" already exists.

I tried to use

Section "MICAD"
exec $INSTDIR/MICAD03.mdb

to do the job but it didn't work either.

any help?

Function ".onInstSuccess"
Exec: "runapp1.exe"
Exec: "runapp2.exe"

PS: I didn't try it ...but it should work

Ok, that compiled! :)

But I can't get it to execute the MDB file

this or this didn't work either :(

Function .onInstSuccess
exec MDAC_TYP.EXE ; Launch MDAC.
exec $SMPROGRAMS\micad_test\micad_test (micad).lnk

Function .onInstSuccess
exec MDAC_TYP.EXE ; Launch MDAC.
exec MICAD03.mdb

it's supposed to open with MSACCESS

Function .onInstSuccess
exec MDAC_TYP.EXE ; Launch MDAC.
exec "msaccess micad03.mdb"

still no-go.. that compiled but didn't run.

Function ".onInstSuccess"
Exec "$INSTDIR/MICAD02.mdb"
Exec "$INSTDIR/MICAD03.mdb"

PS: What's the ext. MDB for? :)

Microsoft DataBase

Microsoft access program.

ok :D, it works!

no, it compiled but didn't run.:cry:

you can use shellExec

ExecShell "open" "[pathto]\mdbfile.mdb"

change open if you want to use an other action like print or something.

ExecShell Syntax