Archive: Newline character in INI file

Newline character in INI file
Is there a newline character that can be used in an INI file for a text field. The traditional "\n" doesn't seem to work. If I put


in an INI text field I get


as the output in the text field. Thoughts and/or recommendations?

\n, \r, and \t work for ValidateText and label's Text.

Use \r\n for a newline in a label.

Thanks for the suggestions guys. That definitely does work for label's but for text controls that does not seem to work. I was looking to have a large formatted block of text which I could put in an INI file and that it would be displayed formatted so a vertical scroll bar would be required to completely view the text. Is this possible using a text control? Essentially I want a custom LicensePage screen.

Nope, it's not possible right now. You can however put two Page license directives and in the second one set the texts using WM_SETTEXT. There you can use $\r$\n.

Ok thanks.