Archive: Inserting scripts into other NSIS scripts

Inserting scripts into other NSIS scripts
I think that this is possible: some kind of system that can insert (script)code snippets into NSIS scripts. I have been working on that, and I think that I've found out how.

WARNING: Don't get overexited right now: I have a reputation that I am very terrible at finishing things that I have begun with. ;)

But this is the idea: A very simple script-like language that inserts the right lines at the right places.


Insert("all()::line()" "!define Test");

(This will insert '!define Test' as the first line of the script)

This is the first glimpse you will see about this project called NISFL.
I will try to post more and more info as I progress, and any questions, suggestions and comments are, as always, welcome. Post them below.

I don't see how this could be useful. There is a !include compiler command, and you can set defines using the command line.

I actually mean this:
Imagine that you want your installer to install the VB6 runtime files, or you want to detect whether the .NET framework is installed. Then you have to certain modifications to your script. Some are easy, but others involve developer-like thinking to adjust it to the NSIS installer maker's needs. That's where NISFL comes around.

You could also use NISFL to update a script from v. 1.98 to v. 2.0b4 or to install the Modern UI in a script.

Or, when someone needs help, you just write a simple NISFL file that does the nescessary changes for that user.
It's thát easy!

[EDIT]You could even use it in a NSIS script editor to insert the output generated by wizards into the script.[/EDIT]