This is a feature request, open for discussion:

I recall that KiCHiK said that a combination of /COMPONENTSONLYONCUSTOM and /NOCUSTOM is not possible. But it would be nice if it would be possible, so that the user can ONLY select an installation type. No custom component-box shown, no 'Custom' option in the installation types list.

That brings up another suggestion or feature request or whatever.
When one creates a custom IO page with, for example, three radiobuttons: 'Full installation', 'Medium installation' and 'Minimum installation', that the script can set the selected installation type by himself, instead op setting it trough the combobox at the top of the component selection page.

B.t.w. Some month ago, when I tested the /NOCUSTOM and /COMPONENTSONLYONCUSTOM combination, it seemed to work, but only in that specific order. When I used /COMPONENTSONLYONCUSTOM first, it didn't work. I ask KiCHiK if this was a bug, and he said that is isn't: it is just not possible. Then I recreated that script that was supposed to do it, and it didn't work. I tought: My mistake, I didn't pay enough attention.
Now that I try it again, it works again! Attached is the *MODIFIED* makensis.nsi script on which I tested it.

My apologies for the long post. :) I hope that everyone can understand what I'm writing. If it is nonsence to someone, please tell me ;).

- Daniƫl

Oops :rolleyes:!
I forgot the attachment! Here it is!

Especially look at this following block. No other changes where made.

InstType "Full (w/ Source and Contrib)"

>InstType "Normal (w/ Contrib, w/o Source)"
>InstType "Lite (w/o Source or Contrib)"

I completely missed that last post. Okay.

But what about the second request?

I don't see the problem there. You want to create three radio buttons and select one. Where's the problem?

No. I want to create some radio buttons, then let the user select one. Then the script sets the selected sections according to the selected radiobutton. But instead of writing lines and lines of Section selection and deselection code, I'd like to see a script instruction that sets the selected InstType, which sets the right sections.

I hope I'm clear now. In my first post, I wrote: "I hope that everyone can understand what I'm writing. If it is nonsense to someone, please tell me ;)." And it seems that I AM writing nonsense!

Add a feature request at SF project page.

I will. Thanks for understanding me! ;)