Archive: How to RegDLL this file without messagebox

Automatic NO command to dialog
I have a modern installer where a .ax file has to registred. I'm doing that with the command:


During installation a little dialog appears when the .ax file is registred. I have a choice of choosing YES or NO. But I want the installer to choose for me, so the user wont be interupted with this choice. Is that possible?

So the DLL displays a messagebox? Is it no error message?

A possibility would be to use the System plugin to send a keypress. You would have to check which API call to use.

It is not an error message, but a choice that can be made to config the final AX file or registry (Where ever the changes might be stored)

The thing you mentioned sounds a bit difficult. Do not even know what keypress or API call is, but did not know that is was complicated.

Just thought that there was a commando like the message boxes have when you have a choice of choosing YES or NO.

How to RegDLL this file without messagebox
I have a file that has to be registered within my modern NSIS installer. I use the command RegDLL, and everything goes fine.


But this .ax file gives a messagebox when registrering, where the user has a choice of YES or NO. (Its not an error box) I want to make a installer where the choice is being made by the installer and not the user, since this will cause confution when different language is included.

The .ax file can be downloaded here: - so you can see what happens. Hope that somebody can help me out.

Please don't post the same subject twice. Merged.

To your question:

The automatic selection of No solution is far more complicated than I believe you are looking for. I think the best solution for you would be just to consult the creators of this file on a way to registry it silently.

- not a bad idea, but lets just say...the last! I have seen it in another NSIS installer, so I know that it is possible.

Did you actually see the message box come up and disappear?

Yes, it came shortly and then dissapired after 1 sec.

What version of NSIS were they using?

It was not the modern one, think it is v1.96.

AFAIK, on a version that's not 2.* they'd have to use an external program. I suggest you just ask them for this program. I don't currently have the time to explain to you how to write this.

Ok, thanks alot anyway cause it helps me on the way. Also noticed that another file was being extracted so that might be it. Will return with this subject here if I find a solution.

What to do
I still trying to solve this problem, but havent found a solution for it yet. So I was wondering if there is a NSIS command that can close the dialog window that appears upon installation (RegDLL).

The dialog contains a question between YES or NO as written before. I does not matter if I cant choose, just as long as the dialog window closes by itself or does not appear at all.

Hope that a solution can be found :up:

Here's a little plug-in that doesn't let any dialogs to be created (a message box is a dialog). The message box still beeps, but I'm a bit short on time so I went on the easy solution instead of removing the beep too.

Attached with an example. Put the DLL in your plugins directory, do whatever you want with the source.

Make sure you:

What a mate
Thank you mate. Really nice of you that you took the time to compile this. No other words than: GREAT! :D