Archive: nsExec::Exec Problem on Uninstall

nsExec::Exec Problem on Uninstall

In my main section I call

nsExec::Exec "cmd /c $INSTDIR\regasm.exe /codebase /tlb
nsExec::Exec "cmd /c $INSTDIR\regsvr32.exe /u mbloxwrappers.dll"

The above works fine ... and registers my components. Note that I do NOT pass in $INSTDIR - if I do it does not work. The files are in the root of the installer.

I am then calling the following section on uninstall :

Section "Uninstall"

;Unregister my components

Banner::show /NOUNLOAD "un-Registering .NET and COM Components ...."

nsExec::Exec "cmd /c $INSTDIR\regasm.exe /unregister $INSTDIR\mbloxsdk.dll"
nsExec::Exec "cmd /c $INSTDIR\regsvr32.exe /u $INSTDIR\mbloxwrappers.dll"

Sleep 3000



However when I uninstall I have to call with a $INSTDIR otherwise exec comes up with an error saying it cannot find the files. If I put in $INSTDIR it does not create an error - but also does not unregister my components - I can check in the registery and they are still there. If I do the same commands from a dos prompt manually it works fine ...

Any ideas ?? Thanks


To register your dll, you should use RegDLL.

Why do you call CMD? It will only work on Windows NT and will cause a lot of extra problems. Calling regsvr32.exe directly is possible, but that won't work on the first Windows 95 version.


I could use Reg and Unreg for the COM DLL - but that does not solve the problem of the .NET component where I have to use Regasm.exe - which is the same as regsvr32 but for .NET components (I assume that reg and unreg does not support regasm.exe?)


just read again what you posted ... could I just call regasm.exe instead of CMD in nsExec::Exec ?

Yep, you don't have to call CMD (the Windows NT command line), just call regasm.exe

And don't forget to quote incase $INSTDIR contains spaces.

Yeh the quotes were the problem ...

all working now ;-)

