Archive: InstallOptions and "State" value

InstallOptions and "State" value
I have this code:

Function "Task"
!insertmacro MUI_HEADER_TEXT "Task" "Some Task for ${MUI_PRODUCT}"
!insertmacro MUI_INSTALLOPTIONS_EXTRACT_AS "${ResDir}\task.ini" "task.ini"
File /oname=$PLUGINSDIR\1e.ico "${ResDir}\1e.ico"
File /oname=$PLUGINSDIR\ico1.ico "${ResDir}\ico1.ico"
File /oname=$PLUGINSDIR\ico2.ico "${ResDir}\ico2.ico"
File /oname=$PLUGINSDIR\ico3.ico "${ResDir}\ico3.ico"
WriteIniStr $PLUGINSDIR\task.ini "Field 6" Text $PLUGINSDIR\1e.ico
WriteIniStr $PLUGINSDIR\task.ini "Field 7" Text $PLUGINSDIR\ico1.ico
WriteIniStr $PLUGINSDIR\task.ini "Field 8" Text $PLUGINSDIR\ico2.ico
WriteIniStr $PLUGINSDIR\task.ini "Field 9" Text $PLUGINSDIR\ico3.ico

I have some checkbox around. If I select some of them the State
goes to "1". If I click to the new page and then return to
the prev. one the checkbox isn't check.
how to make the checkbox still check?

Extract the INI file prior to the function, in .onInit for example. In this specific function you are always overwriting the INI file with the user's selection with the original INI file.

Also extract the icons and write to the INI in the same place instead of in that function.

Thanks KichiK it works :up:
But in StartMenu Page I have the same problem.

Attach the code.

Here it is. It's a little big

Please upgrade to 2.0b3 and if after all required changes it still doesn't work attach the new script (thought you are using <b3 because of modern2, ignore this).

I had no problem with the start menu page using your script. The only problem I had was when checking the check box but that's because of your function so I guess it's on purpose.


Yes I'm using the modern2.exe because I like
the component's description dialog.

Let me try it again.
