Archive: Small but useful(?) change to BgImage

Small but useful(?) change to BgImage
I have made a small modification to BgImage so that it optionally displays the installer name in the top left corner of the image. The text color can also be set if desired.
I don't know if this is useful to anyone else, but I needed it for my installer.
The modified source is attached.
If it is considered useful to others, feel free to incorporate into the main source tree.

Modified it to specify any text you like.

BgImage::Init /NOUNLOAD [/FILLSCREEN ] path_to_bitmap [/TEXT "sometext"] [/TEXTCOLOR hexvalue]

BgImage::SetImage /NOUNLOAD [/FILLSCREEN ] path_to_bitmap [/TEXT "sometext"] [/TEXTCOLOR hexvalue]

The hex value is in RGB format without the leading "#", e.g., FFFFFF


can you please compile it?

Here is the compiled version.
The irritating 1 pixel border problem is still there.


Originally posted by iceman_k
The irritating 1 pixel border problem is still there.
Yep, this problem is really annoying

DOCa Cola

Removed libc dependency. Smaller dll.

what about putting this nice upgraded bgimage.dll in the cvs?

BgImage is currently being worked on. This feature will be included too. Thank you for your patch.
