Archive: Custom Pages Pictures

Custom Pages Pictures
I was just curious, is it possible to add a picture to a custom page somewhere in the ini file for the fields? I was hoping that it'd be something simple like

[Field 1]
State=relative path to picture

or something of the sort. I did a search and looked around for a few minutes and couldn't find anything so I figured I'd start a post about it.


Read the InstallOptions documentation.
There is a "Bitmap" control type which you can use for pictures.

You can extract the picture to a temporary location and write the location to the INI file.

I looked through the InstallOptions documentation but didn't see anything about it. I guess I just overlooked it. Thanks.

I tried to add an icon to a custom page. It worked for an old style interface. I need to work for MUI, for a custom page but for uninstall. I must add new macros?


If you want to use the plug-ins dir, you can use the standard MUI InstallOptions macro's.