Archive: Desktop and start-menu shortcuts

Desktop and start-menu shortcuts
Hi there,

I have an installer file (.nsi) which installs a program to a defined place on the users HD. Now this installer automatically also installs desktop and start-menu shortcuts.

Now my problem is that I would like the user to define if he/she wants to have these shortcuts by checking a checkmark on a seperate page. I have looked at several examples but couldn't find a suitable solution... little short on time due to deadline. can somebody help me, I will include my .nsi file for evaluation.

Add a new section so the user can uncheck it on the components page.

If you prefer a separate page, use InstallOptions.

If you're really short on time you can always create a separate section for the shortcuts and let the user choose if to install that "component" or not. If you want a separate page you'll have to create an InstallOptions page and create the shortcuts according to the input. Have a look at Examples\Modern UI\InstallOptions.nsi, it displays a message box if the user has checked the check box in the third custom InstallOptions page.

Thnks very mutch, you two always seem to push me in the right direction. I used the installOptions.nsi file as reference!