Archive: InstallOptions + Modern UI bug

InstallOptions + Modern UI bug
I've found a very annoying bug in the InstallOptions plugin,
whenever I type in any edit field on a IO page, the edit field background does not redraw.
This has some strange effects:
- If I delete character or overwrite them, the old characters are still visible
- While typing, the characters on the left side are getting bolder with each additional character entered (see attached screenshot)

I can only observe this behaviour if using MUI in my scripts, with the plain interface it does not happen.

I'm using the CVS NSIS of today (03-04-15), running WinXP Pro.
It may be important to know that I have a TFT display and have "Cleartype" font antialiasing enabled.

Please try today's CVS version.

Thanks very much, the new version fixes this bug.

Oh, and while I'm at it, there's another minor flaw:
It seems that all controls redraw if I move the mouse over them so they tend to flicker. However this is not IO related, it happens on all pages.

I can't reproduce this even on my very slow Windows 98 machine. Are you sure it happens only with NSIS installers?

I have also witnessed this flickering.

Specifically, I have noticed the flickering in IO radioboxes and checkbox controls. It doesn't matter whether I mouseover the text portion, or the 'actual' control area, the control in question (text and control) flickers slightly.

It's not a big deal at all, which is why I haven't mentioned it.

I'm using a daily snapshot from April 14th, on XP pro (no Service packs, cleartype enabled). (By the way, disabling cleartype doesn't make the flickering go away.)

I do not notice any flickering when mousing over radiobox or checkbox controls in other applications...

Like I said, not a big deal, just wanted to confirmCodeSquid's observation. ;)


When exactly does it flicker? Are you doing something or does it just flicker randomly?

Sorry, I thought I had mentioned that. ;)

The flickering occurs when mousing over the controls - dragging the mouse pointer up or down through the area of the control or it's accompanying text.

You have actually said that, I have misread your post. Nevertheless, I still can't see it, on any computer. Does it happen with the examples too? Is there anything else you're doing besides moving the mouse over the control? Can you please attach a compiled example?

Yes, it happens with D:\NSIS2\Examples\Modern UI\InstallOptions.nsi
on 'Page C'. So it does happen with the examples.

I'm not doing anything apart from just moving the mouse over the controls - labels seem to be unaffected, file request, etc. i only notice a flicker on checkboxes and radioboxes.

I'll post the compiled version of InstallOptions.nsi.

By the way, I though maybe it was the shadows under the mouse pointer that might be contributing to the flicker, but disabling the mouse pointer shadow didn't do it.


The attached example is a modified version of the MUI Installoptions example. To see the flickering, just move the mouse over the checkboxes on the IO page.
On other pages, you can see the flicker if you're moving the mouse over the next/back/cancel buttons

Looks like there's only one attachment allowed per post. (makes sense ;))

I tried to attach this above but couldn't since I attached the compiled InstallOptions example. Anyway, this is just a screenshot to clarify the problem area.


Using the classic theme (ugh... so ugly) I was finally able to see what you're talking about. After some testing I have found this in Outlook Express's options window too, Internet Explorer's options window, System Properties control panel, mIRC options window and lots more. I can safely say this is not a NSIS bug :)

Once my Windows 98 machine is free I'll check on it too and let you know.

Indeed - good catch. :) I never use Internet Explorer, but I launched it and went to:

'Tools' -> 'Internet Options' -> 'Programs' tab

On the 'Programs' tab, towards the bottom, the checkbox controlling whether IE should check to see if it's the default browser *does* flicker on mouseover. ;)

In fact, now that I look more closely, I see the flicker in radioboxes and checkboxes everywhere. I don't know why I missed it earlier. ;)

And as I said this is not a big deal IMHO. :)


I think that it's a winxp issue, as winxp has different states for hovering, so that their pretty skins work. I've noticed this myself on many occassions. So, Kichick, I don't think your Win98 box is going to help any.


Indeed, I have already decided to skip the test after I read my own words again: "Using the classic theme". After all Windows 98 has nothing but classic theme... heh :)