Archive: MakeNSIS.dll

Has any of the NSIS developers ever thought of making the program into a DLL before? That way rather than having to make a GUI to interface with the dos program you could just call specific DLL functions. I was just wondering because some of the programs out there would really benefit from it this way. If you don't use the default install path NSIS Workbench won't run properly when you try to compile the script.

I dunno, just a thought. Would be pretty neat to see though.

*runs off to go play Asteroids in Windows 3.11*

Latest NSIS has a command line switch /NOTIFYHWND which accepts a HWND. This HWND will recieve WM_COPYDATA messages during the compliation in the following cases:
dwData = 0: lpData contains the path to the compiled script
dwData = 1: lpData contains a warning
dwData = 2: lpData contains an error
dwData = 3: lpData contains contains the output exe

Here's the enum:

enum {

Other than this information what else do you need? What functions can this DLL have but compile(char *script)?

Well I didn't realize that it even did that. I guess nothing then hehe. I'm just wired on caffeine right now :)