Archive: vpatch and mutiple patch files

vpatch and mutiple patch files
Is it possible to have vpatch merge patches of multiple files into 1 patch, and if so, how?

Yes this is possible. That is, it's possible in the User Interface, before you generate the patches. If you already have the .PAT files it's a bit harder (but still possible using the 1.x Linker, however I don't think that's still included in 2.x since there's a nice GUI now).
Let me explain the easy way instead: in the GUI, add multiple 'new versions' (by repeatedly using Add), of all the files you need to patch. For every file, you can specify which old versions it should be able to patch.

Is this what you mean?

Let me provide a little more detail.
ex. I have 3 dlls and 2 exe's that need to be patched, instead of having to include 5 diffrent patch files to patch each of these files, I would like to have 1 single patch file that can do all the patches to the diffrent files. Is this possible?

Yes this is possible. In the GUI, for every one of the 5 files do:
- Select "Add new version..." button, and select the new version of one of the files. In the next window, you get to select a old versions of this file (multiple possible).
- Repeat that step for all 5 files. In the end, all 5 files should be listed in the list on the left side of the screen.

Does someone have an example of an patch of multiple files whithout the GNU of Koen van de Sande?
I want make a 'automatic' patcher.