21st April 2003 17:04 UTC
Disable Sections for some OS
I want to disable (set read-only flag) and unselect a section for some operating systems. If I do it it in .onInit it will not work. Here is the code:
Call IsWindowsAboveNT4And98FE
StrCmp$0 ${TRUE} Done
SectionGetFlags${Sec25} $0
IntOp$0 $0 & ${SECTION_OFF}
>IntOp $0 $0 | ${SF_R0}
>SectionSetFlags ${Sec25} $0
The function IsWindowsAboveNT4And98FE definitely work. But even if it sets $0 not to true it doesn't work.
Can I use the variables Sec25 which are set by the Section command. What else do I have to consider?
21st April 2003 17:07 UTC
It's O (the letter) not 0 (the number) in RO.
You have to put this code after the section is defined so the compiler will recognize ${sec25}.
21st April 2003 17:42 UTC
Setting the read-only flag works. But I want to clear the selection, too. It seems that the InstType overrides the selection changes in .onInit. Is that right? When do I have to call SectionSetFlags?
21st April 2003 17:47 UTC
If it's in an InstType too then get it out if it using SectionSetInstTypes.
21st April 2003 17:54 UTC
How I can set another InstType than index 0 to be the standard. I would like to delete or hide one inst-type in the combo box, because it is not valid for some operating systems.
Is that possible?
21st April 2003 17:57 UTC
No, you can't hide installation types. You can only change which sections belong to them.
21st April 2003 18:57 UTC
Actually, I think that there should be some mayor changes to the InstType and Section part of the installer. Since that's the most important part for the end-user, I suggest that there should be more instructions available to work with them. For example: It should be possible to make (sub)sections invisible (by putting a '-' in front of it?) and to make installation types invisible.