Archive: Help! NSIS error

Help! NSIS error
I know this is the dev forum so I apologize, but none of the tech help fora seemed as appropriate

I came across this problem after a corrupted install of something.

now everytime i try to install something that uses nsis
it gives me the following error popups and it won't install:


Error writing temp file

(next popup)

Installer verification failed.

This could be the result of an incomplete download,
a failing disk, or (possibly) corruption from a virus.

You can try to force an install using the /NCRC
command line switch (but it is NOT recommended)


the likelihood of it being a failing disk/virus is next
to nil, i've run numerous diagnostics and scan.

is there some kind of registry key i can fiddle with to fix

any help would be greatly appreciated.

(side note: ironically, it wasnt until this problem cropped up
that i started noticing how widely nsis is being used)

Like the message said:
It's the product of one of these:
1. Incomplete download.
2. Virus.
3. Corrupted.
5. Increase data after Compilation.
And no, there isn't a reg. key for this. :(

What product are try to install?

i was trying to install a game i downloaded when the error came up, but i'm pretty sure thats not causing the problem, it's something i was trying to install earlier (something off the winamp site, though i don't know whether it was a plugin or skin). where is this temp/persistent(?) data being stored that it interferes with subsequent attempts to install things? isn't there a file i can just delete or something?

Whatever your system temp directory is set to, normally c:\temp. However I think Lobo Lunar was trying to say that this is not your problem, that in fact you do have a corrupted download or other problem.

NSIS installers do not save anything on your computer for later use by default, if the setup writer chooses to do so it's another story but nothing he can do can cause the error you are having. The only possibilities are what Lobo Lunar said. You either have connection problems, a failing disk, a virus or the file is damaged on the server.

I have attached an example installer for you to test. If it fails too reattach it here and I will check it to see what's wrong with it.

The file sp4mm4gn3t is about to attach might contain a virus! Do NOT download this file!

Isn't it safer to send the file trough e-mail personally?

And, people (including me) think that Do NOT download this file! means the file you've just attached. ;)

E-mail filters too much and if he attaches it here other people that know exactly what they're doing can test it too. People who know how to read see that the second sentence that says "do not..." refers to the first one.

strangely enough that one seemed to work fine.
it's just supposed to install makensisw.exe to program files/example1


btw is one i was trying to install that doesn't work.

Have you attempted to re-download the installer again (the one that won't run)


OK. I sorted it out. I'm officially a moron.
For some reason I no longer recall, I had set a user environment var for TEMP which overrode the *system* TEMP environment var.
Thanks for the help people. Much appreciated.

Kichik: does this mean that a possible non-working installer may be caused by an overridden TEMP environment variable?
Then should I add this to the archive's Known NSIS Issues-folder?

Ah... It couldn't create the compress whole temporary file. I'll a test that will make it try again with another name, the user's games with the temporary directory shouldn't affect it so badly.

Virtlink, yes, if the temporary directory that Windows returns is invalid and the installer uses compress whole this will always happen (until I add another check), add it.