Small help
I have this function as a custom page...
Function SetCustomx
ReadINIStr $7 "$INSTDIR\settings\map-compiler_dir.ini" "Field 11" "State" #if rb 3 is selected, skip page
StrCmp $7 1 ok
ReadINIStr $7 "$INSTDIR\settings\map-compiler_dir.ini" "Field 10" "State" #if rb 1 is selected, show page
StrCmp $7 0 +4
!insertmacro MUI_HEADER_TEXT "Log Map-Compile Settings" ""
InstallOptions::dialog "$INSTDIR\settings\map-compiler_log.ini"
Goto ok
ReadINIStr $7 "$INSTDIR\settings\map-compiler_dir.ini" "Field 9" "State" #if rb 2 is selected, show page
StrCmp $7 0 ok
!insertmacro MUI_HEADER_TEXT "Live Map-Compile Settings" ""
InstallOptions::dialog "$INSTDIR\settings\map-compiler_live.ini"
Basically, if the user selects RadioButton 1 on the page before this page, it shows map-compiler_log.ini IO page.
If the user selects RadioButton 2 on the before page, it will show map-compiler_live.log IO page.
This isn't working correctly.
If user selects RadioButton 1, it works fine, but if user selects RadioButton 2, it shows the map-compiler_log.ini IO page, and then shows the map-compiler_live.log file after it.
It should only show 1 page out of the two depending on which RadioButton the user has slected.
What have I done wrong (tis not often I run into a problem)
I assume it's a typo or something...