Archive: SectionGetFlags bug ?

SectionGetFlags bug ?
It seems that there's a little bug with that function !
Using the nsis install script :

SectionGetFlags ${SecContribModernUI} $R0
IntOp $R0 $R0 & ${SF_SELECTED}
IntCmp $R0 ${SF_SELECTED} 0 nomui nomui
SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\Contrib\Modern UI\Language files"
File "..\Contrib\Modern UI\Language files\*.nsh"
THe comparison is always false, event if ModernUI is selected (during full install, for example)

I didn't found any similar bug report on it ...


What do you mean? Doesn't it install the language files?

yes, it doesn't install the language file :(
i added a MessageBox MB_OK $R0 after the function (with a full install) and it shows that the first bit was 0 (instead of 1 for Selected) :(

No problems with it here...