Archive: how nsis makes me hate life...

how nsis makes me hate life...
trying to use nsis for a demo of something...

here's what i need it to do...

- display a readme.
- unpack and run an exe.
- check for specific registry settings and alter if necessary.
- launch an ie window
- ask the user if they are done. if yes, restore changed registry settings.

anyone know some good examples to refer to to make this happen?


Examples\bigtest.nsi shows you how to display a readme:

LicenseText "A license text, make sure it's all there"
LicenseData "..\source\exehead\main.c"

how to unpack and run an EXE in Section "Test Exec functions", how to check the registry in Section "Test Registry/INI functions" and ask the user questions in Section "Test Branching".

Examples\viewhtml.nsi shows you how to show HTML files in an IE window/default browser.