Archive: split string ?

split string ?

i get a string from registry like
"name text number"
i used ReadRegStr $R0 HKLM "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\MySQL Servers and Clients 3.23.54" "UninstallString"

how can i split it ang get:
and get in $R0 "name" $R1 "text" $R2 "number" ??

please help thanks

Use StrCmp, StrCpy etc. You can find some string manipulation examples in the archive.

This function I wrote not long ago will do what you need:,11

You just need to call it three times like so:

# Get "number"
Push 1 ; get text after 1st chunk from string end
Push 1 ; get 1 chunk before the 1st
Push "$R0" ; input string (in your case, read from registry)
Call AdvStrSort
Pop $R2
# $R2 will be the "number"

# Get "text"
Push 2 ; get text after 2nd chunk from string end
Push 1 ; get 1 chunk before the 2nd
Push "$R0" ; input string (in your case, read from registry)
Call AdvStrSort
Pop $R1
# $R1 will be the "text"

# Get "name"
Push 3 ; get text after 3rd chunk from string end
Push 1 ; get 1 chunk before the 3rd
Push "$R0" ; input string (in your case, read from registry)
Call AdvStrSort
Pop $R0
# $R0 will be the "name"

Hope that helps.
Remember to copy the function into your script too!

-Stu :)

thanks Afrow UK
it works but i dont know why :)
can you explain the function a littel bit
:) Exec exchanges the top elements of the stack ...

Hmm, this is a hard one to explain.
Plus, I'm rubbish at explaining stuff!

The best thing you can do, is to call it in a section, and put detailprints throughout the function, printing the different variables. If I want to see if something is working properly or not (searching for bugs), I do a DetailPrint OMG$0, or DetailPrint Hello!$1. The OMG or Hello bit shows me which DetailPrint is being printed, showing me the source of that variable.


Maybe this page by VirtLink will help you understand the stack (Exch, Push, Pop) better:,44

Also, once you learn how to use StrCpy fully, you are able to do a lot of things with it!


StrCpy $R0 "Hello Jeff" 4 -4
$R0 = "Jeff"
StrCpy $R0 "Hello Jeff" 5 -10
$R0 = "Hello"
StrCpy $R0 "Hello Jeff" 1 -1
$R0 = "f" (last letter of Jef[f])
StrCpy $R0 "Hello Jeff" -2
$R0 = "Hello Je"
StrCpy $R0 "Hello Jeff" "" -2
$R0 = "ff"

Note: putting "" -2 (shown on the last example) is just like putting 2 -2


dude.. ur link is not working..;instances=0,11
which has this AdvStrSort..

The NSIS Archive moved a long time ago.


Archive links should still work. The specific instance of this specific page was removed. The page probably moved a category or removed from all categories.