Archive: New BgImage

New BgImage
The new BgImage is a lot more flexible allowing you add to add a lot more than just a background image. You can now add texts, images and even transparent images and put them wherever you want. BgImage now supports tiled background too.

I have added a new NSIS callback function, .onGUIEnd to avoid the .onInstSuccess/Failed problem. The problem was that .onInstSuccess was called from the WindowProc of NSIS that was called from the WindowProc of BgImage. When BgImage was destroyed and NSIS's WindowsProc tried to return control to BgImage's WindowProc it crashed because it wasn't there anymore.

Another issue was the fact that the example created the BgImage window from a section which is ran in a different thread. When that thread was destroyed, the window was destroyed with it.

See the readme for more details about the new BgImage:

I would like to thank to iceman_k for the text idea and original implementation,
Lajos Molnar, aka orfanik for the tile idea and original implementation and Jason Reis for his help merging in the tile patch.

great modifications!
what about to integrate a loop function for the sounds? i have the old modified version u once made for me.

DOCa Cola

