Archive: InstallOptions checkbox state determined at runtime

InstallOptions checkbox state determined at runtime

In uninstall section I added a custom dialog that contains checkbox with section desired to uninstall. I want to disable some of checkbox corresponding to not installed kits.

How did I tried to do this:

I had an uninstall function,
un.hello that is the creation function for the custom page.

;Check if JDK installed -----------------------
;If not installed enable the checkbox (initial Flags=DISABLED for all checkbox)
!insertmacro MUI_INSTALLOPTIONS_WRITE "ioFile.ini" "Field 8" "Flags" ""

The problem is that all the checkbox remain disabled, as default.

1. Could I dinamically change the INI file? How?
2. I also tried to use:
GetDlgItem $R9 $R8 1208 ;1200 + Field number - 1

;$R9 contains the HWND of the first field
SendMessage $R9 ${BM_SETCHECK} "1" 0

That menas to send the message BM_SETCHECK to check box to enable it,
but this message is not present in WinMessages.nsh. The message has the 0xF1 value, so I tried with
SendMessage $R9 "241" "1" 0,
but no result. Any idea?


If I click the back button and next then, the checkbox appear enabled.
I tried to put the code that enables the checkbox on un.onInint after
!insertmacro MUI_INSTALLOPTIONS_EXTRACT "ioFile.ini" but it did not worked.

A rough solution might be to insert a custom dialog a very short period of time, to write in INI and then display mypage. This is not very nice. Any other idea?


You need to write to the ini file before the IO page shows. You are currently writing to it after the user leaves the page.


That is the point! I have a custom page
UninstPage custom un.Hello un.leaveComponents
The creation function is un.Hello, I added the ioFile.ini with ReserveFile to the kit. The file is extracted in
un.onInit (!insertmacro MUI_INSTALLOPTIONS_EXTRACT "ioFile.ini" )
and in un.hello (the creation function of the page) I wrote:


!insertmacro MUI_INSTALLOPTIONS_WRITE "ioFile.ini" "Field 8" "Flags" " "
!insertmacro MUI_INSTALLOPTIONS_WRITE "ioFile.ini" "Field 13" "Flags" " "


But nothing happens. As I said, inside the same
pair, I treieed to send a message BM_SETCHECK (0xF1) with
WPARAM=BST_CHECKED (0x1) and then a WM_PAINT message to the parent window, but apparently it dosen't worked.

Thank you for your response.
Other ideas?:)


You need to write to the INI file before the InstallOptions dialog initializes (before !insertmacro MUI_INSTALLOPTIONS_INITDIALOG "ioFile.ini").

OK! It worked. I believed that the role of
was to define the graphical interface.

Anyway it worked, thanx!