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- How to set exit errorlevel code
Archive: How to set exit errorlevel code
14th May 2003 02:29 UTC
How to set exit errorlevel code
I am trying to find how to set an exit errorlevel code. I am using NSIS for automation, and would like to know via ye olde %errorlevel% whether the install finished with an eorror, and if possible different errors. For example 0 for no error, 1 for missing prerquisits, 2 for...you get the idea.
thanks in advance
14th May 2003 11:26 UTC
This section of the documentation describes the error levels. You can't change the error level to whatever value you want. You'll have to find another way such as writing to an INI file, creating files or writing to the registry.
9th January 2004 19:26 UTC
Is this still true? Is there no way to return a custom errorlevel exit code from the nsis process? And if not, is this a feature that will ever be implemented? Thanks.
Joost Verburg
9th January 2004 20:28 UTC
NSIS still uses the same error levels.
See the NSIS Website for information about submitting feature requests.
6th July 2004 22:48 UTC
Accessing errorlevel from commandline
I'm trying to view the errorlevel from the cmdline, but the value doesn't seem accurate.
Here is my script for causing a "failure" errorlevel:
OutFile "c:\temp\testErrorlevel.exe"
Section ""
Here's one for "success":
OutFile "c:\temp\testNoErrors.exe"
Section ""
And here are my test results:
C:\temp>echo %errorlevel%
C:\temp>echo %errorlevel%
Joost Verburg
6th July 2004 22:53 UTC
Try to get the error level from another NSIS script using Exec.
7th July 2004 01:18 UTC
I need to communicate my error status to a non-NSIS executable that invokes my module, so using Exec and IfError don't really help.
7th July 2004 17:50 UTC
ExecWait can get the error level. ExecWait waits for the NSIS installer to finish, a DOS box doesn't. 9009 is probably the error level of the application you ran just before the installer.
SetErrors and ClearErrors is for the script. The error level is not set by them. It is set to a value different than zero if the installation was aborted. As the documentation states:
* 0 - Normal execution (no error)
* 1 - Installation aborted by user
* 2 - Installation aborted by script
7th July 2004 18:24 UTC
If 'SetErrors' is replaced by 'Abort' in the script above, and 'ClearErrors' by 'Quit', the test results are still the same.
7th July 2004 18:28 UTC
The first paragraph addresses that.
7th July 2004 19:07 UTC
Sorry, that's a bit too cryptic for me.
How is ExecWait relevant if I'm checking the errorlevel from the commandline? If you would modify my samples so the tests work correctly, that would help tremendously.
7th July 2004 19:14 UTC
The command line doesn't wait for the installer and therefore can't get its error level.
8th July 2004 18:05 UTC
see this thread.